Contributor`s guide#

We welcome the contribution to the package!

If you're interested in seeing who has already contributed to this project, please visit our Contributors page. We appreciate all contributions and look forward to see your name on that list!

It is not necessary to be a programmer to contribute. You can help us with the documentation, new features and finding bugs.

Contribution to the source code is summarized below. We assume that you have an account on github and familiar with Git.

Development workflow#

For the detailed explanation of the development workflow see the table of content at the end of the page or click on the links in the short summary below.

Fork and clone#

  • Go to the RAD-tools repository (upstream) and click on the "Fork" button. Now you have your own copy of the RAD-tools repository under your GitHub account (origin).

  • Clone your fork to your local machine:

    • If you are using ssh-key:

      git clone
    • If you are not using ssh-key:

      git clone
  • Change the directory:

    cd rad-tools

    Now you are in the root folder of you local repository (local)

  • Add the upstream repository to your local repository:

    git remote add upstream
  • Pull the latest changes from the RAD-tools repository if necessary:

    git pull upstream stable


    git fetch upstream
    git merge upstream/stable

Set up the environment#

We recommend to use virtual environment. Once the virtual environment is created, you can install requirements:

  • Package dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • For the package development:

    pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  • For the documentation:

    pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
  • For the tests:

    pip install -r utest/requirements.txt


For the linux and OSX systems there is a scenario defined. It installs all requirements. Note: it does NOT create a virtual environment:

make requirements

Enable pre-commit#

We use pre-commit to enforce some rules on the code style before each commit. To enable it, run the following command:

pre-commit install

Now, every time you commit the code, pre-commit will check it for you. If some checks fail, pre-commit will automatically fix them and abort the commit. You need to add the fixed files to the staging area and commit again.


If you want to run pre-commit manually, you can use the following command:

pre-commit run --all-files

Develop your contribution#

Submit your contribution#

  • Push the changes to your forked repository:

    git push origin feature-name
  • Go to your forked repository on GitHub and click on the green "Compare & pull request" button. Describe your contribution and submit the pull request. Please mention the issue number if it is related to any.

Review and merge#

  • Once the pull request is submitted, the code will be reviewed. If there are any comments, please fix them. You can make the changes locally, commit them and push to the same branch of origin repository and they will be added to the pull request automatically.

  • Once the pull request is approved, it will be merged to the stable branch.

Development process in details#