RAD-tools splits into WULFRIC Read more here

How to cite us?#

At the moment the package did not reach the stage of the publication. However, if you use it, please cite in the following form:

RAD-tools v<version>, rad-tools.org. Git hash: <hash>.

It is not necessary to include the Git hash but it is recommended for the reproducibility of the calculations.

Use the following BibTeX entry:

    author = {Andrey Rybakov},
    title  = {RAD-tools v<version>},
    year   = {2022},
    url    = {rad-tools.org},
    note   = {Git hash: <hash>}

You can consult the version and Git hash in the txt output files or by running the following command in the terminal (you may need to use python3):

python -m radtools