
radtools.identify_wannier_centres(input_filename, span=0.1, output_name='')#

rad-identify-wannier-centres script.

Full documentation on the behaviour is available in the User Guide. Parameters of the function directly correspond to the arguments of the script.


Relative or absolute path to the "_centres.xyz" file

Identified Wannier centres are stored in the "filename_identified" file.

Console argument: -if / --input-filename

Metavar: "filename"

Changed in version 0.8.0: Renamed from filename

spanfloat, default 0.1

Distance tolerance between centre and atom. (in Angstroms)

If some centres remain unidentified try to increase the span.

Console argument: -s / --span

output_namestr, default ""

Seedname for the output files.

See also: example

Console argument: -on / --output-name